Marcas Bamman
Senior Research Scientist
Marcas Bamman is a Senior Research Scientist and Director of Healthspan, Resilience, and Performance Research at IHMC. In this capacity he helps catalyze high-impact research development and leads clinical and translational research to advance knowledge across the spectrum from elite performers to chronic disease populations, and from biological underpinnings to clinical outcomes. He has a history of leading clinical trials focused on dose-response optimization, combinatorial treatment interactions, and biological underpinnings of inter-individual response heterogeneity, supported by federal funding since the 1990s from NIH, VA, NASA, and DoD. In 2019 he ranked third nationally in NIH funding among more than 820 investigators in cell biology.
Prior to joining IHMC in 2020, during a 25-year academic career at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Dr. Bamman served as Professor in the Departments of Cell, Developmental & Integrative Biology, Medicine, and Neurology; founding Director of the UAB Center for Exercise Medicine; UAHSF Endowed Professor in Regenerative and Translational Medicine; Director of the NIH National Rehabilitation Research Resource to Enhance Clinical Trials (REACT); Director of the Coordinating Center for the NIH National Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network; Executive Steering Committee member of the NIH Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC); and Director of an NIH T32 training program (Interdisciplinary Training in Pathobiology and Rehabilitation Medicine). He now holds the position of Professor Emeritus at UAB.
He is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), member of the ACSM Board of Trustees, and served as Chair of the 2021 ACSM World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine. He has served on more than 90 federal grant review panels and site visit teams, as Associate Editor of three peer-reviewed journals, and has published more than 160 research papers.