Acute Ketosis and Cognitive Performance: Attention
Your participation will benefit our research program by helping us assess the effects of exogenous ketones on attention with altered levels of oxygen. Participants will be asked to provide blood samples and perform cognitive tests while in a simulated elevation of 20,000 ft. as a part of the study. All testing will be done by trained, qualified professionals.
Compensation: $100.00
Time Commitment: 3 total sessions, 11 hours
Eligibility Criteria:
- Healthy male
- 18-35 years/age
- Non-smokers
- No chronic conditions that would prohibit exercise or the ability to transport oxygen
- There are a number of exclusion criteria, to ensure your safety. To inquire for a full list of these conditions and situations please fill out the form below.
When and Where:
The study will be conducted at the IHMC facility in Pensacola, Florida. All measurements taken will occur at IHMC at no cost to the participant other than transportation to the site.
You can choose not to participate. Your participation is voluntary. Your participation will have no influence on anything that falls outside of this research context. A decision to not participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled, and you may discontinue participation at any time and for any reason. If you do decide to participate, you may withdraw from this study at any time and for any reason. Risks of participation do not exceed those of daily living. The risks to you as a participant are discomfort from blood sampling. Although unlikely, there is always a risk for loss of confidentiality and anonymity when participating in research. All efforts will be made to protect your rights. Participants can withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. Participation in this study may lead to improvements in performance, recovery, mood, arousal, or cognition.