Adrien Moucheboeuf
Senior Research Associate
Adrien Moucheboeuf is a research associate at IHMC working with Dr. Anil Raj. His research interests focus on human-machine interaction through multisensory interfaces and on helping in the development of sensory substitution approaches for augmenting situation awareness for able-bodied and disabled individuals.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in cognitive science from the University of Bordeaux (France) and his master’s degree in cognitive engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux. During his education, he had the opportunity to travel across Europe. He spent his last bachelor’s degree year at the University of Skövde, Sweden, where he took classes focused on artificial intelligence and studies on consciousness.
During his Master’s degree, he went to Málaga, Spain, as a research assistant and helped carry out experiments on EEG waves training and control for brain computer interfaces. In 2009 he worked as an intern for Fatronik Tecnalia in the department of Neuroengineering in San Sebastian, Spain. His research focused on assistive technologies for elderly people.
Adrien started working for IHMC as an exchange student in 2010 on a project called “Anthro-Centric Multisensory Interface for Sensory Augmentation of Telesurgery” (ACMISATS). He also is currently working on the exoskeleton project.
His personal interests include organic farming, biking, and DIY electronics.