Geoff Clark

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Research Scientist
Dr. Geoffrey Clark joined IHMC as a Research Scientist in May 2023, working with Dr. Robert Griffin and other members of his team. Geoffrey recieved his Ph.D. from Arizona State University, in Electrical Engineering, where he worked in the Interactive Robotics Lab. His research focused on the intersection of classical control, optimal filtering, and machine learning to create symbiotic human-robot interactions for robotic prosthetics and exoskeletons. His work also created adaptable policies with reinforcement learning on legged robots by taking inspiration from human locomotion.
He also served as a mentor for robotics and machine learning for Desert Women in Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (WAVE). He earned a Deans Fellowship and an Arizona Graduate Scholar Award while studying at ASU.
In his free time, he enjoys playing piano, photography, motorcycle repair, woodworking, and playing with his dogs.