Stefan Fasano

Research Associate
Stefan joined IHMC in July 2021, where he performs data science and data processing for the Artificial Social Intelligence for Successful Teams (ASIST) project (This is a DARPA project). He also serves as a controls engineer for the Wasp 2.0 quadcopter fleet, as well as the Sandia Exoskeleton project. He earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park in May of 2021.
In school, he focused on space propulsion and power as well as space systems engineering, eventually putting much of what he learned to use in the Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts Academic Linkage (RASC-AL), a NASA-sponsored and NIA-managed university-level engineering design competition.
He joined IHMC to further his engineering development and education through hands-on participation in the diverse, innovative, and collaborative projects.