Zoeanne McCurdy
Research Associate
Zoe joined IHMC as a Research Associate in May 2024 working with Dr. Toshi Miyatsu and his human performance team in the cognition and computational neuroscience unit. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of West Florida and was part of the Kugelman Honors program there. Her undergraduate thesis explored the use of “shame-based” cognitive behavior therapy for individuals with a history of domestic violence.
She has her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with an interdisciplinary training background, aiming for admission to a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program. Her research interests include clinical rehabilitation and intervention practices in the context of interpersonal violence. More specifically, she is interested in the role of shame and emotion regulation in batterers, particularly in batterer treatment programs.
She was previously an IHMC intern working with the project team exploring mild traumatic brain injury recovery and detection, diet and activity impact on BHB kinetics and blood-glucose, human and AI trust, and voice onset time for determining reaction time, and more. She was drawn to IHMC for its research in human cognition and performance and its interdisciplinary approach to research.
In her free time, she enjoys gardening and baking sourdough and homemade baked goods. She has taken up the hobby of canning and pickling and paints portraits when she has the opportunity.