Evening Lectures - Ocala

Joseph Signorile

THE TALK: Bending the Aging Curve: Targeted Exercise Training from Mechanical Power to Cognition

May 12, 2016


The application of exercise as an intervention to reduce the impact of the aging process is often viewed as an unidimensional concept. It is most commonly associated with cardiovascular fitness such as walking or aerobic dance. Remarkably, this concept ignores the cornerstones that make exercise training so effective in “bending the aging curve”. First, exercise is a multidimensional tool and can be used to address each of the physiological declines inherent to aging. Second, the reductions in independence seen with aging are more neuromuscular than cardiovascular. Third, the interventions used should be based on bioenergetic and biomechanical specificity, reflecting the specific needs of each individual. And finally, exercise training should be applied in a logical pattern to maximize improvements while reducing the potential for injury. Dr. Signorile will present the research studies from his laboratory demonstrating how specific training equipment, techniques and protocols can capitalize on the plasticity of targeted tissues and systems to maximize the benefit of this unparalleled preventative and restorative tool.


Dr. Signorile is a Professor at the University of Miami with a joint appointment at the Medical School’s Center on Aging. He has been involved in research using exercise to address independence and fall prevention for over 20 years. He has been a pioneer in applying the diagnosis/ prescription model for tailored exercise to improve function and reduce falls in older persons and continues to work on new technologies for improving independence. Within the context of prescriptive exercise he has organized and led a series of studies that resulted in refereed articles detailing novel tools to assess and improve aging. His most recent work has concentrated on sarcopenic obesity and Parkinson’s disease and the modi cation of classic yoga training to target special populations.

Dr. Signorile has over 70 refereed manuscripts and 200 national and international scienti c presentations. He has contributed countless chapters to exercise-speci c texts, is the co-author of The South Beach Diet Supercharged with Dr. Arthur Agatston, and recently released his de nitive book on aging exercise prescription entitled Bending the Aging Curve which has been translated into Cantonese, Korean and currently Italian. He has chaired over 25 doctoral dissertations and served as a committee member on countless more. He is a senior editor for Contemporary Therapies in Medicine and The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

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