Evening Lectures - Pensacola
Professor Richard D. McCullough
THE TALK: A Look at Future Technologies That Will Change Your Life: Bendable Televisions and Cell Phones, Windows That Are Lights and Energy Sources, and Printed Electronics on Demand
February 8, 2018
Dramatic scientific discoveries over the past 30 years are now leading to revolutionary new consumer products that promise an improved future. Plastics that are lights and energy producing materials will significantly reduce energy consumption and can even lead to “zero energy” buildings. The printing of metals and other electronic materials in two and three dimensions are already impacting robotics, sensors, futuristic consumer goods, etc. This presentation will attempt to predict the future. A simple introduction underlying science and discoveries that have enabled the field will be presented, as well as emerging discoveries and research that have gone relatively unnoticed.
Richard McCullough has a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Texas, Dallas and earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in chemistry at Johns Hopkins University. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia University.
Since 2012, Dr. McCullough has been the Vice Provost for Research, working with the President and Provost to encourage, cultivate, and coordinate high impact academic research across all of Harvard’s schools and affiliated institutions. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research (VPR) has broad responsibility and oversight for the development, review, and implementation of strategies, planning, and policies related to the organization and execution of academic research across the entire university. Dr. McCullough leads a new office of Foundation and Corporate Development and also has oversight over most of the interdisciplinary institutes, centers and initiatives across all of Harvard. He oversees compliance and sponsored research as well.
Under Vice Provost McCullough’s leadership, the Office of the VPR is particularly focused on removing barriers to collaboration, whether in University policies, or financial or administrative systems. He also oversees multiple internal seed funds to promote new interdisciplinary research. Additionally, the Vice Provost for Research works with the President and Provost to foster and encourage entrepreneurship among undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty members. He also helps to lead the development of the new innovation campus.
Richard McCullough is Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Harvard and is a member of numerous professional societies and boards. He has received numerous awards and is an elected fellow to the National Academy of Inventors.
Prior to being named Vice Provost for Research at Harvard, Dr. McCullough was the Vice President for Research at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where he previously served as the Dean of the Mellon College of Science, and Lord Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry. Dr. McCullough has founded two companies: Liquid X Printed Metals and Plextronics.
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