Evening Lectures - Pensacola
Dr. Jeff Phillips
THE TALK: Human Behavior and Matters of the Mind: Trapdoors and Triumphs
November 14, 2023
Homo Sapiens are Earth’s APEX species due to intelligence, emotional depth, and adaptability. Our ability stems from a complex nervous system composed of billions of neurons working in a synergistic rhythm as complex as the universe itself. From a scientific perspective the human mind is one of the most perplexing and intriguing questions.
Despite the beauty and complexity of the human mind, it has some flaws that cannot be denied. Welcome to the world of human fallacies. Our complex nervous system may be amazing, but it is also riddled with trapdoors that we cannot avoid falling into. Discoveries around such topics help us understand ourselves and our behaviors.
Join us for a lighthearted journey into the human psyche and explore some of our most common flaws. From cognitive biases to irrational fears, we’ll cover it all. But fear not, we’ll also discuss effective strategies to overcome these troublesome pitfalls and strive towards a more productive and happy life.
Jeff is a senior research scientist at IHMC. He is interested in the development of mitigation strategies for common environmental, physiological, and cognitive stressors that break down optimal performance in military operators such as jet pilots, special-ops personnel, and others in the military who are placed in extreme conditions.
Prior to joining IHMC, he spent six years as a research psychologist at the Naval Medical Research Unit in Dayton, Ohio. He worked almost exclusively on hypoxia in tactical aviation and served on a team that was instrumental in getting the F-22 Raptors back in operation. The Navy recognized his contributions to the F-22 project with the 2012 Delores M. Etter Top Scientists and Engineers in the Navy award. The Department of Navy also awarded him its Superior Civilian Service Medal during his tenure at the Naval Medical Research Unit-Dayton.
Prior to working in Dayton, he was a research psychologist at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola. From 2006 to 2011, he worked on projects that ranged from motion sickness to fatigue and hypoxia mitigation as well as the relationship between cognitive workload and decision-making.
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Dr. Ed and Judy Galbavy: Carousel House

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Dr. Roger and Barbara Orth

Joanne Bujnoski and Martin Kandes