Evening Lectures - Pensacola

Dr. Frank Butler

THE TALK: Transforming Battlefield Trauma Care

December 17, 2024


“Transforming Battlefield Trauma Care” is the extraordinary account of how a small group of world-class trauma experts joined forces with America’s best combat medics to rewrite the rule book in battlefield medicine – and then to introduce the revolutionary new concepts called Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) to a disbelieving medical world. This presentation provides a first-hand account of the challenges faced by TCCC innovators in developing and implementing TCCC’s novel approach to saving lives on the battlefield. TCCC has now been adopted as the standard for battlefield trauma care by the U.S. Military and by many other countries around the world. TCCC concepts are now gradually being transitioned into Emergency Medical Systems in the civilian world and are helping to save lives there as well.


Dr. Butler is a retired Navy Undersea Medical Officer and an ophthalmologist who served as a Navy SEAL platoon commander prior to attending medical school. He spent most of his 26-year career in Navy Medicine supporting the Special Operations community.
Dr. Butler spent 5 years as a Diving Medical Research officer at the Navy Experimental Diving Unit in Panama City, where he helped to develop many of the diving techniques and procedures used by Navy SEALs today. While there, he supervised the largest experimental oxygen dive series in U.S. history, which significantly extended the Navy’s oxygen diving exposure limits. He also later oversaw the completion of the Navy SEAL decompression computer project, which is now used throughout the U.S. military.

Dr. Butler is the founder of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC.) He pioneered this concept in 1996 as a product of the Naval Special Warfare Biomedical Research Program and led the TCCC effort until his retirement in 2019. TCCC has now been mandated as the standard for battlefield trauma care throughout the US military.

In 2016, Dr. Butler was honored by a Navy Forward Surgical Hospital in Iraq naming the road to the hospital “Frank Butler Boulevard” in honor of his work in developing and advancing TCCC concepts.

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Dr. Ed and Judy Galbavy: Carousel House

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Dr. Roger and Barbara Orth

Joanne Bujnoski and Martin Kandes