Evening Lectures - Pensacola

Michael Larson

THE TALK: Sleep - what it is, why we can’t do without it, and how IHMC is using technology to aid in deeper more restorative sleep without resorting to drugs.

Contrary to the typical view, sleep is not just downtime; it’s when our brain does some important heavy lifting, like consolidating memories and clearing out toxins. It’s crucial for regulating our mood, boosting immunity, and even keeping our weight in check.

Everyone has experienced the negatives of missing sleep: we feel grumpy and struggle to focus. Over time, lack of quality sleep can lead to big health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and even dementia.

IHMC is inventing technology that can be a game-changer in bringing the benefits of deep restorative sleep. Michael will present some exciting solutions that he and his colleagues are creating, including wearables that do more than just tell you that you didn’t sleep well but actively help you get better sleep by working naturally with your brain and body.

Lecture Date March 4, 2025
Reception Time 5:30 pm
Talk Time 6:00 pm
40 South Alcaniz Street
Pensacola, FL 32502


Michael Larson earned his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1992. After a stint in the U.S. Air Force, he spent more than 30 years as a university professor, holding positions as the El Pomar Endowed Chair of Engineering and Innovation, and as Associate Chancellor for Research at the University of Colorado. With funding totaling more than $8 million from a variety of agencies, Larson has tackled a wide range of research projects from assessing the fracture and failure of advanced materials to creating novel surgical devices.

He has co-founded four tech start-up companies. While on the faculty at Tulane University, New Orleans’ City Business magazine named him “Entrepreneur of the Year”. He received the “Inventor of the Year” award from the University of Colorado twice. Larson provides engineering design services for many clients and serves as an expert in legal cases. He has been the plaintiff in a patent infringement suit before the U.S. Supreme Court, piloted a jet aircraft, and steered a nuclear submarine.

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