STEM-Talk: Dominic D’Agostino on latest research into therapeutic ketosis

Longtime listeners know Dr. Dominic D’Agostino’s reputation and his research into the physiological benefits of nutritional ketosis. Since his last STEM-Talk in 2019, a tremendous body of research has been added to the literature about the therapeutic potential of ketosis.

Listen to Episode 153 now or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Dominic D'Agostino

Dominic D’Agostino returns for a third appearance on STEM-Talk.

The high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet has been linked to advances in the treatment of:
• Alzheimer’s
• Cancer
• Migraines
• Type-2 diabetes
• Psoriasis
• Sleep apnea
• Psychiatric disorders
• Traumatic brain injuries
• And a host of other diseases and disorders, which we cover in today’s interview.

D’Agostino is an IHMC colleague and a tenured associate professor of molecular pharmacology and physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He specializes in neuroscience, molecular pharmacology, nutrition, and physiology.  

In this episode, hear our conversation about: 

— Evidence-based applications of the ketogenic diet on neurodegenerative disorders such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s disease.  

— Possible applications for the ketogenic diet in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar and other psychiatric disorders.   

— Research on whether therapeutic ketosis via ketone esters could help treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders. 

— Studies that examined the effects of a ketogenic diet on athletic performance. 

— The impacts that hyperbaric oxygen therapy may have in areas including traumatic brain injury. 

— The NASA project NEEMO that sends crews of astronauts, aquanauts, engineers, and scientists to live in a facility at the bottom of the Atlantic. 

— How life on a farm has changed his family. 

You also can watch D’Agostino’s 2023 Evening Lecture in Pensacola here. Listen here to D’Agostino’s first appearance on STEM-Talk in 2016.

Retired Air Force Maj. Brian Shul leaves legacy of survival with his passing

“Leaving your jet in the jungle is not heroic. I’m a survivor.”

That sentiment is one that Retired Air Force Maj. Brian Shul expressed often in the years after being shot down during the Vietnam War. Sustaining devastating burn injuries in the crash, he recovered and continued to serve his country, piloting secret missions in the Cold War while flying the SR-71, the world’s fastest aircraft.

He told his story often as part of his encore career in which he continued to inspire. Telling his story was among the last things he did. He died of a cardiac arrest in a hospital in Reno, Nev. On May 20, 2023. He had collapsed while speaking at the Nevada Military Support Alliance’s annual event, according to news outlets. He was 75.

Back in 2015, the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition was honored to host Shul for an Evening Lecture. You can watch his talk here.

He also was a guest on IHMC’s podcast SEM-Talk in episode 15. Listen to that conversation here.


A2PEX project leads latest edition of IHMC newsletter

How long can you sustain attention in a cognitively or physically demanding situation where a lapse in focus due to boredom or fatigue could have life-or-death consequences? 

That’s the question at the heart of a cooperative research project between the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) now under way. 

The project is the cover story of the latest issue of our newsletter, available here.

IHMC's 2023 newsletter.

Assessing and Augmenting Performance in Extreme Environments (A2PEX) aims for real-time assessment and augmentation of Airmen cognitive performance in long-duration missions in extreme environments. 

The goal is to develop robust wearable devices and an integrated system that overcomes fatigue and stress by continually sensing, assessing, and augmenting human performance. The five-year project is sponsored by AFRL’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate and supported by the 711th Human Performance Wing.  

Principal Investigators are IHMC’s Dr. Morley Stone and Dr. Tim Broderick. It draws on team members from IHMC’s human performance, robotics, and human-centered computing teams, and on Stone’s earlier work within AFRL on the Sense, Assess, Augment paradigm. 

Broderick says A2PEX “…is developing and manufacturing materials and technologies that will allow us to sense key biomarkers of fatigue in extreme environments, and to augment performance by mitigating fatigue. Aviation mishaps often are related to unrecognized fatigue and stress.” 

“If we can recognize and mitigate stress and fatigue, we can potentially save lives,” he says. “It is very hard to accurately measure the physiology and performance of a person during everyday activities – and even more so when a person works in an extreme environment.” 

Academic partners in the project are The Ohio State University and Georgia Institute of Technology. Industry partners are Triple Ring Tech, Abbott Biowearables, electroCore, and Polar. 

“We are excited about the possibilities of this program,” says Regina Shia, program manager at AFRL. “HMC has built a strong team with expertise that ranges from physiological and cognitive monitoring to materials and manufacturing advances. With a closed-loop human sustainment for a long-duration mission’s objective, this team could immensely impact the combat readiness and lethality for the Air Force.”  

Research agreement is key 

Closing the loop for human performance has been a longtime interest for IHMC researchers. More than a decade ago Stone published on the concept of the Sense, Assess, Augment — a human-centric control loop to improve performance.  

“Without the cooperative research agreement, we would not have access to AFRL research infrastructure that allows us to move sense and augmentation concepts out of the lab and into relevant environments. It’s a key component for us as we move into verification and validation before field testing,” Stone says. 

“We have a long-standing and productive relationship with the Air Force,” Broderick says. “We’re working with them in a collaborative way that is not typical. The collaboration benefits both parties and accelerates results.” 

The first year of the project will focus on refining and testing partner devices at IHMC and in the STRONG Lab (at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base). Triple Ring and Ohio State researchers are prototyping devices that will be tested in a joint exercise later in 2023. That exercise could include:  

— Air Force special operators and medics using personal protective equipment during a five-day surge; 

— Aircrew during long duration flights in the Pacific theatre; 

— Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) teams during high tempo, protracted missions; and  

— Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) analysts during long shifts in classified facilities.  

Year two will focus on analyzing the data generated and revising prototype devices and the integrated system. 

The goal is to supply a sensor system that is comfortably wearable and doesn’t pose a safety risk, yet still supplies accurate electrical and mechanical data in a range of hostile environments. 

“If it’s not able to be worn comfortably, or if it gets in the way of doing a mission, it won’t be used,” Broderick says.  

Partners Polar, Abbott Biowearables, and Triple Ring are key to the effort to maximize adaptation of existing technologies to the needs and demands of the populations A2PEX will serve.  

The Air Force is interested in what this might mean for aviators on long-duration missions, but it’s not only pilots who could benefit. Personnel who engage in long-duration, high-cognitive load activities – such as pilots flying unmanned vehicles or analysts reviewing reconnaissance images – also could benefit.  

A promising approach for A2PEX centers on noninvasive vagal nerve stimulation. The vagal nerves are gatekeepers of the autonomic nervous system. These nerves send messages that adjust cognitive function and alertness, which are especially important to those working for extended stretches of time in high-stress environments. 

How A2PEX came to be 

The thread of A2PEX can be traced back more than a decade, with ties to work Stone did with AFRL and work Broderick was part of with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), particularly with the Peerless Operator Biological Aptitude, (PEERLESS).  

That project was designed to increase the biological aptitude of warfighters so that they can increase their adaptability and resilience in extreme conditions.  

In those early years, researchers were gaining the ability to measure quantitative data on human performance. With that knowledge, researchers gained the opportunity to fill a gap in the optimization of a system that until then had focused on how the technology performed — but hadn’t fully accounted for the impact on the human operator. 

The confluence of neurology, biomarkers, and wearable technology made this a “sweet spot” for optimizing the performance of elite warfighters and the technologies they control. PEERLESS, and now A2PEx, originate at least in part from this space. 

For A2PEX, researchers are looking for the intersection of what researchers would like to measure, what materials and sensors need to be developed, and how it can enhance capability and safety in extreme environments. 

While focus has been on pilots on long-duration missions, Stone and Broderick both note that the same concerns about how fatigue and biology could impact cognitive focus and accuity, other personnel could benefit from A2PEX’s findings.  

Analysts working extended shifts in Sensitive Information Compartmented Facilities (SCIF) and those working on Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance also face demands on their attention and focus. A2PEX could benefit them as well. 

The implications for military operators are clear, but the findings could ultimately produce benefits for long-haul truckers, commercial pilots on transoceanic routes, and medical personnel working long shifts, Stone notes. 

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others. 

STEM-Talk: Dr. Mark Shelhamer on human spaceflight and missions to Mars

Mark Shelhamer was set upon a path that would take him from “nerdy band kid” to the chief scientist for NASA’s Human Research Program by his Uncle Stanley. 

“One of the smartest people I knew, even though he was not highly educated,” Shelhamer says. “He had been a surveyor in a coal mine. He was ‘the cool uncle,’ so he made it cool to be interested in science and math.”  

Uncle Stanley also gifted 10-year-old Mark with a Radio Shack 150-in-1 Electronics Kit. The idea that he could wire up a radio in a few minutes and listen to broadcasts from hundreds of miles away on something he built with his own hands, “was magic to me.” 

Dr. Mark Shelhamer STEM-Talk

Dr. Mark Shelhamer on Episode 152.

He’s been using that magic ever since in a career spent learning about spaceflight and its impact on human beings.  In this STEM-Talk, Shelhamer talks about his work with NASA and as an advisor to the commercial and consumer spaceflight industry.

Shelhamer is an otolaryngology professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and is the director of the school’s Human Spaceflight Lab. He also the director and founder of the Bioastronautics at Hopkins initiative

This fascinating discussion covers his role in NASA’s planned human mission to Mars and how he is investigating ways to maintain the health and performance of astronauts on long-duration spaceflights. He also discusses how this knowledge could be applied to improving healthcare on Earth. 

Episode 152 is now available on IHMC’s STEM-Talk webpage, as well as on your favorite podcast platform. Tune in for the conversation hosted by Dr. Ken Ford, IHMC’s founder and CEO, and co-host Dawn Kernagis, which covers:  

  • How Shelhamer’s family ties to nursing led him to biomedical engineering, and ultimately, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Johns Hopkins University. 
  • Shelhamer’s research into motion sickness and vestibular issues and his more recent work on Space Motion Sickness. 
  • Hiss belief in the need for a multidisciplinary approach to human space flight research — and how that approach could improve healthcare systems on Earth. 
  • How close he believes we are to another exciting time with NASA’s Artemis program and plans to return to the moon. 
  • His work on the effects of space radiation on people as well as the behavioral risks of being confined with a small group of people in tight quarters on a long-duration spaceflight. 

IHMC supports veterans’ transition to civilian work through SkillBridge program

The transition from military to civilian life comes with challenges, including how to translate that experience into the civilian workplace.

The Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition is proud to be part of a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) program to help close that gap.

SkillBridge is a DoD program to give military personnel civilian work experience in the last 180 days of their service career — a bridge from one world to the next. This spring, IHMC renewed its commitment to the program becoming a SkillBridge worksite.

The DoD covers salary and benefits while in the program, which allows IHMC to train and leverage highly skilled service members in preparation for permanent roles at no cost, said Ryan Tilley, IHMC’s director of strategic program execution and innovation.

“SkillBridge gives IHMC early access to the experience, skills, and unmatched work ethic service members bring to the table,” Tilley said. “It’s a huge benefit to us.”

The SkillBridge partner vetting process was updated in January 2023. As part of that process, IHMC had to craft a comprehensive training plan and model the job description for the role that the service member may fill.

That included details such as job description, length of training, detailed timeline, defined training modules, specific learning objectives, instructional models, instructor qualifications, assessment/grading rubrics, as well as goals and training outcomes, Tilley said. Once approved, IHMC executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the DoD to formalize its program approval.

A SkillBridge internship was the perfect way for Meredith Yeager to transition from a 24-year career in the U.S. Navy to a role at IHMC.

Meredith Yeager at Science Saturday

Research Associate Meredith Yeager led a Science Saturday session recently.

Yeager, who retired as a captain, is now a senior research associate, parlaying her experience in program management and process improvement into a similar role with the human performance research team.

As an SkillBridge intern, Yeager worked with IHMC Senior Research Scientist Jeff Phillips on studies to counter the impacts of dehydration and hypercapnia on aviators; to develop a pressure-resistant, diver mask-fitted oculometric neurologic assessment tool; and other human performance research projects.

She gained insight into proposal writing and the research process while leveraging her skills in managing multiple government contracts including financial management and administrative contract support.

Yeager says the experience eased her transition with very little stress and helped her develop ties to a new organization.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and I am very thankful for the opportunity at IHMC,” she said.

SkillBridge is just one part of IHMC’s commitment to and connection with the military community. Dr. Kenneth Ford, IHMC’s founder and CEO, is a U.S. Navy veteran.

“The skillsets that veterans have brought to our organization are innumerable, and we are grateful for the chance to help our military members be successful in their encore careers,” Ford said.

In 2021, IHMC was recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor with a 2021 HIRE Vets Medallion Award for the research center’s commitment to employing veterans. To be eligible for the award, 7 percent of a company’s workforce must be veterans. That year, nearly 13 percent of IHMC’s workforce were veterans. In 2022, that rose to 17 percent.



Team crafts tool to track neurological function in divers for Office of Naval Research

An IHMC team has wrapped up a three-year project refining an underwater eye-tracking tool to detect the early signs of neurological hazards in divers.

Neurologic decompression sickness, hypoxia, hypercarbia, and Central Nervous System (CNS) O2 toxicity, all are hazards of working in undersea environments. Small eye-movement cameras, known as video-oculographic (VOG) systems, have been used extensively for clinical assessment of eye movements, a quantifiable marker of neurologic function.

Dr. Jeff Phillips dive mask test

An IHMC team testing an underwater eye tracking system at Duke University.

In a project supported by the Office of Naval Research Undersea Medicine Program, the IHMC team modified the Pupil Labs ocular camera system into a waterproof form that fits in the U.S. Navy MK 20 full-face dive mask.

The Pupil Labs system is a mobile, open-source, natural gaze-based system validated across clinical and operational settings. The IHMC team is led by Senior Research Scientist Jeff Phillips and Research Associate Connor Tate.

“Navy divers are exposed to harsh conditions and high levels of stress during submerged critical missions such as search and rescue or explosive ordinance disposal,” Tate said.

Standard laboratory eye-tracking systems provide reliable measures on neurological status, but, Tate noted, “there wasn’t yet a fully waterproofed device for monitoring and evaluation in the submerged environment until our team developed one.”

The IHMC-customized design allows for adjustable use in submerged, hyperbaric settings without compromising the VOG’s ability to effectively capture eye movements.

In early 2023, the IHMC team conducted human testing on the mask they designed at Duke University’s Hyperbaric Medicine facility in Durham, N.C., to see if it would survive under water, and if the interface works.

Underwater eye tracking test

The IHMC team tested a prototype dive mask fitted with an eye tracking system to help detect early signs of neurological distress in divers.

The system is waterproofed, pressure-tested for implosion and explosion, and tested for electrical leakage — and it performed successfully in all these aspects, Phillips said. The system also was evaluated for data quality, ease of use, comfort, and the ability of the system to detect neurological changes associated with hypercapnia.

For upcoming data collection, Tate said the team will induce hypercarbia in each participant while performing a dive under pressure with the underwater eye tracking system and a system that applies machine learning to the recorded audio of the individual to predict their inhaled CO2 levels.

The combination will allow tracking of participants’ blink rates, fixations, and pupil light reflex, all of which are indicators of fatigue.

“We hope to find a positive correlation between our measures collected by the system and the participants’ CO2 levels and perceived exertion,” Tate said.

Phillips said he was proud of what his team accomplished, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated supply-chain disruptions.

“Connor and the team displayed immense pluck and resourcefulness despite this being the most difficult time in recent history to accomplish this,” he said.


Bayou Texar project recruited residents for watershed monitoring

Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition research also includes small scale efforts in local efforts.  

One such example is work by IHMC Research Scientist David Fries, who is using Bayou Texar as a test bed for a project to enlist residents in tracking the bayou’s health. It is a timely project that complements ongoing efforts to improve the waterway, which includes a nearly $6 million grant, announced by the City of Pensacola in November 2022. 

Smart Waterways monitoring box

A data monitoring box as part of the Smart Waterways project.

With two grants totaling $100,000 from the Pensacola & Perdido Bays Estuary Program Community Grant Program, Fries launched a citizen science initiative with six monitoring stations linking augmented- and virtual-reality technologies with the real-world bayou. The effort aims to build a living map of the health of one of Pensacola’s signature waterways. 

“The goal is to enable a water management information system, generated by the people, working with machines to better understand nature and to monitor and effect a change in the waterway,” Fries said. 

Fries recruited homeowners to attach data collection devices to their docks and property lines. Those devices feed into software to analyze the data collected. It includes: 

  • Photos and social sharing for citizens to share photos of wildlife, water conditions, query experts about what they’ve seen. 
  • Measurements citizens take to track the health of the water. 
  • Access to a data-rich online community that includes GIS mapping data, water quality data, and a place to share personal stories about what the bayou means to its fans.  

Matt Posner, executive director of the Pensacola & Perdido Bays Estuary Program, said the capabilities this initiative offers made a compelling case for support. 

“The grant committee really liked that it was looking to pilot a new frontier of how we collect water quality data and how we report it to the community,” Posner said. “The more you can get citizens engaged in science, the more they take ownership of the issues and opportunities in our estuaries, the better opportunity we have to address these issues.” 

Fries says he hopes the effort successfully taps into the love people have for the bayou — and gives them a chance to channel that into action. Posner looks forward to being able to continue the collaboration, and ultimately roll out the system more widely. 

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others.

STEM-Talk: Dr. John Ioannidis on flaws in COVID-19 response

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. John Ioannidis wrote an article in March 2020 questioning government statistics about the fatality rate of COVID-19. The backlash was swift and brutal, and John’s reputation as one of the most influential scientists in the world took a beating.   

Dr. John Ioannidis

Here, John makes his second appearance on STEM-Talk to discuss his extensive research into the pandemic. Episode 151 is available now on our podcast page, as well as in popular podcast apps and on YouTube.

John talks about his most recent peer-reviewed paper that looked at the age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population.  

The study found that the pre-vaccination fatality rate for those infected may have been as low as 0.03 percent for people under 60 years old, and 0.07 percent for people under 70, far below the World Health Organization’s prediction of a 3.4 percent fatality rate. 

Over the past two decades, John’s research has earned him a global reputation as a consummate physician and researcher, which contributed to The Atlantic describing him in 2010 as one of the most influential scientists alive. He is a professor of medicine, epidemiology and population health as well as a statistician and professor of biomedical data science at Stanford University. 

In today’s episode, John: 

  • Shares what led him to study infectious diseases. 
  • Walks us through his most recent paper, published in January 2023 on COVID-19 mortality rates. 
  • Talks about the role that obesity rates may have had on mortality rates across the globe. 
  • Describes as the U.S. government’s response to the pandemic and the importance of collecting reliable data in the future to guide disease modelers and governments before they make decisions on significant policies, such as lockdowns.  
  • Discusses how he underestimated the power that politics and the media can have on science.   
  • Discusses the erosion of public trust in institutions and the media and what might be done to re-establish that trust.  

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others. 

Triumph Gulf Coast funding supports IHMC purchase of cutting-edge gene sequencer

IHMC is purchasing a new NovaSeq X Plus genetic sequencing device that will help elevate the Institute’s footprint as a regional hub of excellence in human performance research. 

IHMC will be among the first labs in the country to have the newest version of this device, which allows for next-generation sequencing capacity to better understand genetics, genomics, epigenetics, and transcriptomics.  

NovaSeq X genetic sequencer

IHMC is purchasing a NovaSeq X genetic sequencer to support its human performance research. Credit: Special to IHMC.

“The information contained in our genes and how they are activated and regulated is extremely important in understanding risks of disease, along with differences between individuals and the responses of each person to a treatment or exposure to stress,” says Dr. Marcas Bamman, Senior Research Scientist and Director of Healthspan, Resilience, and Performance Research at IHMC. “Scientific advances resulting from such a capability are truly game-changing because the information gained will help us optimize approaches to healthspan, resilience, and ultimately human performance.” 

The ability to perform sequencing analysis of both RNA and DNA is foundational in biomedical sciences, however, the tools to perform this analysis typically are found at major biotechnology research hubs or in private industry locations.  

“With IHMC being among the first institutions to acquire the device, we will not only be among the leaders in the field; we also will be in a position to offer this advanced tool in collaboration with other scientific partners,” Bamman says. 

The ability to conduct this level of research in-house will also reduce IHMC’s dependency on other labs, and the associated subcontracting of awarded funding.  

“This places IHMC in much higher demand for collaboration on future funded research programs,” said founder and CEO Ken Ford. “We are all very excited to receive this new device and begin tapping into its capabilities.” 

Ryan Tilley, IHMC’s director of strategic program execution and innovation, said the $1.5 million purchase is supported by funding from Triumph Gulf Coast, a nonprofit corporation created to manage the funds from the settlement of the BP Deepwater Horizon 2010 oil spill disaster. 

“Triumph’s mission is to use the proceeds of the BP settlement to support projects that provide a transformational impact to workforce and entrepreneurial efforts, as well as expanding and diversifying the economy of our region,” Tilley said. 

Creating a biotechnology and human performance research hub in Northwest Florida has profound benefits not only to the economic health of the region, but also to the intellectual capital that can be nurtured and expanded here because of those investments.  

“We are proud that Triumph sees IHMC as a leader in this effort and we are grateful for their support,” Tilley said.  

Illumina, the company that developed the device, delivered the first of these sequencers to the Broad Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University in February of 2023. The company plans to ship more than 300 instruments in total this year, according to the company. 

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others. 

WATCH: 2023 IHMC Robotics Open House

Everyone likes company — and IHMC is no exception.  

More than 350 people came through our doors for 2023’s Robotics Open House. The family-friendly event allowed IHMC researchers to share some of what they do with students and families. 

We had a great time showcasing our work in robotics, virtual reality experiences, human performance research projects, data visualization, and more. If you couldn’t be there, here’s a little of what you missed. 

For students to get an IHMC experience, we have two upcoming opportunities: Science Saturday on April 22 for students in grades 3-6, and summer Robotics Camp June 5-8 in Pensacola. Sign up today. 

IHMC researchers to help build testing environment to improve operator awareness.

IHMC received nearly $4 million in grant funding as a subaward to SRI International’s PROTEUS: Prototype Testing environment for User Situation awareness.”  

PROTEUS project

PROTEUS is a rapidly reconfigurable human-machine interface (HMI) testing environment for early and cost-effective testing of human machine prototypes, specifically those designed to improve operator situation awareness and support agile adaptation to off-nominal situations. 

The PROTEUS Team is a project the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and is a collaboration between SRI International (prime, headquartered in Menlo Park, CA), IHMC, and SkillMil, Inc., (Menlo Park, CA). IHMC’s effort is led by Senior Research Scientist Dr. Anil Raj. 

PROTEUS will develop and provide a set of plug-and-play, low-cost hardware configurations to support ecologically realistic environments across operational domains (e.g., air, maritime, space). 

The PROTEUS team will create a testbed design for conducting human research participant experiments, and execute protocols designed to deliver statistically significant operator situation awareness and performance assessment results in less than one week per iteration (Evaluation Events”). Raj is responsible for conducting the Evaluation Events at IHMC.  

As it stands, creating a testbed for a new scenario that could sustain more than 30 in-person and 90 virtual participants typically takes weeks or months. With technologies developed under the PROTEUS project, the team believes they can cut that time to a few days per new scenario.
Increasing the number of design and testing iterations an HMI can go through before deployment has a major influence on its effectiveness. Making the iteration process faster and more efficient should pay dividends in the end.

The PROTEUS concept includes
·     On-site multimodal, rapidly reconfigurable fixed-base simulators as well as web-hosted virtual” testbeds that enable remote users to participate in HMI evaluations.
·     Visual editors that enable collaborative development.
·     Build-time capabilities will include automated code generators to construct testbed-ready instrumented” HMI prototypes used for functional and stress testing ahead of evaluation events.
·     Modeling technology that requires minimal calibration and extends diagnostic information for emotional and physiological state assessment (drowsiness, frustration).
·     Off nominal events and situation awareness assessment queries will be embedded in each scenario to test HMI support of graceful adaptation and impact on situation awareness.
·     PROTEUS will track and display operator attention dynamics using gaze-trackers (on-site testbeds) and webcams (remote), as well as task performance and situation awareness metrics in real time.

The grant runs through 2025.

This story is approved for public release by DARPA, with unlimited distribution. 

 IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others. 

IHMC celebrates National Robotics Week with open house on April 6

It’s time to get your peek behind the curtain.  

On April 6, Florida IHMC is inviting the public to meet Nadia, Valkyrie, Eva, Mini Cheetah, Wasp and the humans behind them in celebration of National Robotics Week. 

IHMC Robotics Open House 2019

IHMC’s Open House in 2019 drew visitors of all ages to campus. The 2023 Open House is set for April 6. Credit: IHMC staff.

From 3 to 7 p.m. on April 6, 2023, researchers at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition will welcome the public and students for tours, walk-throughs and inspiration on the Pensacola campus on South Alcaniz Street. The last tour begins at 7 p.m. 

The family-friendly event encourages scientific discovery through hands-on activities, challenges, and demonstrations while providing the opportunity to learn about IHMC’s work from in-house researchers and educators. 

Visitors will be able to see IHMC researchers and their work in drones, robotics, virtual reality experiences, human performance research projects, data visualization, and more.  

 The MESS Hall, Pensacola’s hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math museum, also will be on hand with traveling exhibits.  

It will be IHMC’s first open house on campus since 2019.  

“To show our support for the community who has supported us so much in the past, we want to highlight all the technology that has been developed and grown right here in Pensacola,” said Dr. Robert Griffin, the research scientist at IHMC who leads the robotics group.  

“We couldn’t think of a better way to do this than to open our doors on National Robotics Week and share with others what we do. It’s our hope that people find our work interesting, inspiring, and educational,” Griffin said. 

IHMC Robotics Open House 2019.

Established by Congress in 2010 to raise awareness about robots and their important role in shaping the future of education, industry, and the U.S. economy, National Robotics Week brings together students, educators, and influencers who share a passion for robots and technology. 

This year’s event also features tours of the lab space that houses the Healthspan, Resilience, and Performance team, as well as some highlights of their research.  

Dr. Marcas Bamman, the senior research scientist who leads the HRP team, said visitors will be able to see the cutting-edge core laboratories used for clinical and biological research. That includes research in cognition and perception, neuromuscular function, cardiorespiratory function, body composition, clinical research unit, and more.  

* IHMC has begun construction of a new research facility on the corner of Alcaniz Street and Garden Street and parking may be limited. Please have patience and plan to arrive early to find available street parking. 


IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others. 

Experts in spatial disorientation review innovations to mitigate risks of aviation mishaps

PENSACOLA — Recently, the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition hosted a gathering of international experts in spatial disorientation, the leading cause of deadly mishaps in military and commercial aviation.  

Spatial Orientation Modeling Experts Workgroup

Spatial Orientation Modeling Experts Workgroup met this month at an IHMC-hosted conference. Credit: IHMC staff.

Over three days in late March, 87 members of the Spatial Orientation Modeling Expert (SOME) Workgroup shared the latest techniques to model spatial disorientation mishaps and to showcase the latest developments designed to mitigate the risk. The hope is to craft recommendations for future research on the model and designs of next-generation aerospace vehicles to improve pilot situation awareness and counter spatial disorientation.  

The Principal Investigator from IHMC for the workshop was Senior Research Scientist Dr. Jeff Phillips, an aviation human factors expert who has worked extensively in this area. The panels included astronauts Ken Cameron and Bill Shepard, who spoke at length about the spatial disorientation they experienced in space.   

The group has met twice before, once in 1994 and again in 2019. The first meeting led to the publication of the book “Spatial Disorientation in Aviation,” one of the most comprehensive references on the topic. This year’s meeting will result in the publication of a second volume.  

Senior Events Specialist Michelle Bowers said the workshop is just one of at least a dozen professional workshops, panels, and conferences that IHMC will host in 2023. Such gatherings reflect IHMC’s place in the scientific community — and serve as a draw to highlight the Pensacola area to researchers, scientists, and experts from across the globe. 

Spatial Orientation Modeling Experts Workgroup at IHMC.

IHMC hosted a conference of more than 80 international experts in spatial disorientation, the leading cause of aviation mishaps. Credit: IHMC staff.

“In the local economy, there is a substantial community impact for restaurants, flights, hotels, rentals, retail shopping and much more, including showcasing the greater Pensacola community,” Bowers said. 

In addition to these professional gatherings, the Institute hosts an Evening Lecture series, open to the public, that features experts and researchers in fields from robotics to human healthspan and performance, public health, urban planning and more. Stay up to date on our public lectures at this link.  

IHMC’s podcast, STEM-Talk, is another avenue for outreach. STEM-Talk hosts Dr. Ken Ford, IHMC’s CEO and founder, and Dawn Kernagis, research scientist, have conversations with some of the most fascinating scientific minds. With more than 4 million total show listens over 150 episodes, STEM-Talk is a home for full and frank conversations with the most interesting people in science and technology.  Visit to keep up with the latest episodes or look for it wherever you listen to podcasts. 

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others. 


STEM-Talk: Dr. Barbara Thorne, conehead termite expert, on biology, control of these highly social insects

STEM-Talk episode 150 featuring termite biologist Dr. Barbra Thorne is now available on IHMC’s website as well as popular podcast apps. In her interview, Barbara talks about the invasive conehead species, a Central and South American termite that has invaded South Florida.

Dr. Barbara Thorne STEM-Talk

Barbara is a research professor and professor emerita in the Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland. Since 2012 she has served as the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services science advisor on the state’s Conehead Termite Program. She also chairs the National Scientific Advisory Committee for the Conehead Termite Program.

Barbara’s research focuses on the biology of termites, which are highly social insects that form complex colony structures. She earned her Ph.D. in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology in 1983 from Harvard University where she studied with the late Dr. E. O. Wilson, a renowned biologist and naturalist.

In this episode, Barbara discusses:

— How she had no interest in bugs until college when she went to a summer Bug Camp where she read E.O. Wilson’s book, “The Insect Societies.”

— The 15 years she spent in E.O. Wilson’s lab at Harvard.

— How she began working in the field of applied termite biology.

— Her research into targeted applications for the control of termites.

— Her papers on the eusociality in termites and how the existence of social insects was something that stumped Charles Darwin.

A TED-Ed video lesson about the conehead termite queen, one of the longest living insects in the animal kingdom.

— The work she is doing in Florida to target and control the invasive conehead termite, which is causing serious damage in the state.

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others.

Summer Robotics Camp 2023 registration opens this week.

Summer Robotics Camp is one of IHMC’s signature community outreach efforts — and it’s almost here. Registration opens this week for the summer 2023 sessions. Visit to register. 

“Our students always enjoy getting to know likeminded students and spending four days learning to program Lego robots and seeing them respond to their commands,” said Dr. Ursula Schwuttke, director of educational outreach for IHMC’s Pensacola and Ocala campuses. 

IHMC Summer Robotics Camp 2.

Students at work in the 2022 Summer Robotics Camp at Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. Credit: IHMC staff.

Robotics camp takes place in June 2023 and offers students the chance to learn the basics of robotics, coding, and problem-solving. Camp is in two sessions: June 5-8 for rising eighth graders; and June 12-15 for rising ninth and 10th graders in Pensacola.  

Ocala camp dates are June 26-29 for rising eighth graders, and July 10-13 for rising ninth- and 10th-graders. 

“Fun science gives kids the ability to discover their interest and ability in science, and to develop self-confidence,” says Schwuttke. “Opportunity is vitally important for kids. Without the opportunity to discover their interest, they can’t know that it’s something they should pursue.” 

While assembling and programming the robots is of course the fun part, Schwuttke says a highlight of camp is the chance to meet and mingle with researchers on the IHMC team, as is the photo shoot with the Atlas robot and the tour of the robotics lab.  

Last year, Senior Research Scientist Dr. Jeff Phillips, Research Scientist Dr. Gwen Bryan, and Research Associates Duncan Calvert, Nicole Esposito and Josh Farina all took time out of their schedules to visit with campers, have lunch and share information on their current research, and how they launched their own science careers. 

Robotics Camp is sponsored by Cox, the Escambia Sheriff’s Office, Barnes Insurance, and Florida Blue.  Their support made camp possible and allowed us to include students from the Educational Talent Search Program at Pensacola State College and Pace Center for Girls, to help create a pipeline for IHMC to share what we love about science with students in every corner of the community. 

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others.  


Space Florida, IHMC partnership includes collaboration, research support

A partnership between Space Florida and the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition has been quietly growing. Most recently, Space Florida contributed $2 million in support of that collaboration.  

When construction of IHMC’s newest research building is completed in the summer of 2024, Space Florida will have office space in the new facility — additional evidence of how closely the two entities intend to work together. 

Howard Haug, Space Florida’s executive vice president, treasurer and chief investment officer.

Howard Haug, Space Florida’s executive vice president, treasurer and chief investment officer, was part of the ceremonial groundbreaking for IHMC’s new human performance research complex.

“Among the topics our human performance team is exploring is how humans respond both physically and cognitively to stress and how we perform in extreme environments,” said IHMC Founder and CEO Dr. Ken Ford. “Space is among the most extreme environments in which humans perform. Seen through that lens, a collaborative partnership between IHMC and Space Florida clearly benefits both entities.” 

Space Florida was created to support the growth and development of a sustainable and world-leading aerospace industry throughout the state. It promotes aerospace and space-related business development, business financing, spaceport operations, research and development, workforce development, and innovative education programs statewide. 

The space and aerospace-related sector fuels some $19 billion of the state’s economy. More than 17,144 aerospace-related companies call Florida home, according to the  aerospace finance and development authority. 

“It’s been exciting for our team at Space Florida to work with IHMC in supporting its multifaceted research endeavors, much of which translates well into the realm of space and aerospace.” said Howard Haug, Space Florida’s executive vice president, treasurer and chief investment officer.. 

The partnership creates another foothold for Space Florida’s expanding presence in Northwest Florida, which includes an advanced manufacturing program at Pensacola State College, and the Leonardo Helicopter maintenance facility at Peter Prince Airport in Santa Rosa County. 

Anna Alexopoulos Farrar, Space Florida’s vice president for corporate communications, said the IHMC partnership is part of a mission-critical investment in research and development for the state’s aerospace industry. 

“The work with IHMC underscores the importance of extending our reach beyond one region,” she said. “Florida isn’t just competing with other states, we are competing with sovereign nations that operate within very different regulatory systems. To emerge as a powerhouse of the aerospace industry and for aerospace capital, Space Florida has reached across county lines working with companies and organizations from the Panhandle to South Florida.” 

Farrar said that space no longer is solely about exploration — it’s a strategic economic system that thrives with investment in the future. From AI and robotics to health and resilience, this partnership will extend to areas that will fuel the aerospace industry for years to come.  

“It’s through research and development that we can revolutionize the way we explore our universe and solve complex problems of today and the yet to be imagined,” Farrar said. 

“Our mission is to make Florida the ground node, the leading global entity for the emergence of a space economy in low earth orbit,” Farrar said. “With this continued partnership and investment between IHMC and Space Florida, the possibilities can be endless if we invest in them.”  

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry and academia to help develop breakthrough technologies. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others.

WATCH: Dr. Karen Wooley on the future of sustainable, biodegradable plastics.

Dr. Karen Wooley wants to find the next iteration of sustainable, biodegradable plastics. She’s looking to the insect world for part of the answer.  

Wooley, who holds the W. T. Doherty-Welch Chair in Chemistry and is a University Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University, spoke as part of the Smart Lecture series at IHMC. If you couldn’t be with us in person, watch her lecture here. 

Her lecture shared the latest efforts to support the commercial translation of carbohydrate-derived degradable plastics to harvesting of building blocks from insect feedstocks.  

As scaled-up production of biomass-based biodegradable polymers grows, focus has turned to harvesting the naturally-derived building blocks from black soldier flies, to avoid competition with resources that are important to food, fuel, and construction. The goal is not just improving sustainability, but digestibility should the product end up in an animal or human.  

The inspiration for the work has links to the world of orthopedic medicine, where the mismatches in tensile strength, functionality and longevity between bone and materials like metal or polymer-based screws, rods or inserts, led to the focus on finding bioplastics that could substitute.  

Watch our video recap here to learn more.  

STEM-Talk: Jeff Volek on what we’ve learned in 30 years about keto, carb-restricted diets and health

Dr. Jeff Volek has been investigating how humans adapt to ketogenic and carbohydrate-restricted diets for 30 years.   

On his return to STEM-Talk — available on our website and wherever you enjoy podcasts— Jeff talks about a growing accumulation of studies supporting a ketogenic diet to improve metabolic health, as well as research confirming the relative safety of dietary fat. 

Jeff is a professor in the Department of Human Sciences at Ohio State University. He is known for his research on the clinical application of ketogenic diets in the management of insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes. His first STEM-Talk appearance was in 2017. 

Americans have long been led to believe that saturated fats lead to obesity and heart disease. This flawed assumption remains at the root of much public health policy, despite there has been a steady accumulation of studies over the last 20 years supporting carbohydrate restriction as well as the relative safety of dietary fat advances.  

Jeff addressed this in a paper in Science titled “Dietary Fat: From Foe to Friend?”, and also, a paper in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology titled “Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food Based Recommendations.” 

He says this even furthermore “debunks the dogma that saturated fats should be limited because they cause obesity.” 

Our STEM-Talk conversation also includes:  

  • The remarkable progress that has been made in the science of low-carbohydrate nutrition in the past 30 years. 
  • How Jeff’s research has expanded to look at a well-formulated ketogenic diet’s potential in the treatment of mental health, heart disease and cancer. 
  •  An initiative Jeff is conducting to address how the poor metabolic health of the nation is impacting our military and therefore poses a significant threat to the future of the military and our nation’s defense. 
  • Jeff’s thoughts on the recent popularity of fasting and time-restricted eating.  We also ask what Jeff’s own daily diet looks like. 

WATCH: Dr. Alexander Fleming’s Evening Lecture on geroscience and healthy longevity

People are living longer, but those longer years are often marred by multiple chronic diseases — and the exploding cost of managing those conditions — in the final and least productive years of life.  

In the first IHMC Evening Lecture of 2023, Dr. Alexander Fleming talked about efforts to understand how we can extend our productive, healthy years — a concept he calls healthy longevity. If you couldn’t be with us in person, you can still learn from Dr. Fleming with our video recap. Watch it here. 

Dr. Alexander Fleming at his January 2023 Evening Lecture on healthy longevity. Photo credit: IHMC staff.

Fleming is a former head of clinical review at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for products for diabetes and other metabolic and endocrine disorders. His notable drug approvals at FDA included the first statin and metformin. He represented the FDA at the World Health Organization and other international initiatives.  

He founded Kinexum, a company with expertise in developing drugs, biotech products, including gene and cell therapies, medical devices, and digital health technologies.  

In 2020, he founded the not-for-profit Kitalys Institute to facilitate testing, regulation, and commercialization of healthspan products. Kitalys produces the annual Metabesity conference, which began in 2017 and brings together global experts, policymakers, and advocates for equaling healthspan to lifespan.   

In his IHMC lecture, Fleming touched on geroscience, a discipline that looks to understand the biological roots causes of aging and disease in order to target and treat those. It’s a focus that could improve our own lives and reduce the financial and societal burden of unhealthy aging. 

As we wait for the fruits of some promising science, supported by successful results in higher animals, Fleming noted that the standby advice of physical activity, lifestyle, and diet still apply. 


IHMC breaks ground on new, $30 million human performance research complex

The Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition broke ground today on a new $30 million project in downtown Pensacola, setting up the next chapter in the research facility’s journey of innovation and collaboration. 

The IHMC Healthspan, Resilience and Performance complex will be a leading-edge lab and office building that will create a research hub, based in Northwest Florida, for advancing human healthspan, resilience, and performance with the potential to lead the field. The facility is an investment in the intellectual capital of Northwest Florida, creating a hub of excellence in healthspan, resilience, and performance research that will draw leading scientific minds to the region. 

“This facility, and the people housed in it, really will be one-of-a-kind, and it will be a reputational jewel for our community and region,” IHMC’s founder and CEO Dr. Ken Ford said. 

The new research complex for Healthspan, Resilience, and Performance should be completed in early 2024, expanding IHMC’s Pensacola campus.

IHMC is funding the cost of the building. Partnering with the Institute are two state agencies, Triumph Gulf Coast, a nonprofit corporation created to manage the funds from the settlement of the BP Deepwater Horizon 2010 oil spill disaster; and Space Florida, the agency charged with supporting and growing the state’s aviation and aerospace industries. Triumph is funding a substantial portion of the specialized research equipment to be housed in the new facility. Space Florida is collaborating with IHMC on research and technology.  

“What IHMC represents in its research activities, grand vision, and direction is precisely what Triumph Gulf Coast seeks to support and encourage,” said David Bear, chairman of the Triumph Gulf Coast Board of Directors. Bear said Triumph is proud to invest in the future of IHMC.  

“From here, bright minds from across the globe will join to collaborate, innovate, and develop ideas that may fundamentally change the way we act, move, respond, heal,” he said. “It is so cool that this amazing, next-generation research is happening from our beautiful city and from Northwest Florida.” 

Howard Haug, executive vice president, treasurer and chief investment officer for Space Florida, said partnering with IHMC has been an exciting collaboration. 

“Partnerships are key to realizing amazing things,” Haug said. “We look forward to the completion of this complex, where members of our team will co-mingle with IHMC and its other strategic partners in military, industry, and academia, to further innovation and technological developments important to Florida’s aerospace presence and future.” 

DAG Architects, partnered with Atlanta-headquartered Cooper Carry, designed the building. Brasfield & Gorrie was chosen to lead the construction of the facility located at the corner of Garden and Alcaniz streets in Pensacola.   

When complete, it will expand IHMC’s downtown Pensacola campus to three primary buildings and will be consistent with, and complementary to, the Levin Center for IHMC Research, which primarily houses research in robotics, human-machine teaming, and intelligent networked systems. 

“We will be collaborating closely with regional institutions and organizations that share an interest in human health span and performance, and these collaborations will lead to innovative spinoff opportunities and technology transfer,” Ford said. “Certainly, the addition of this complex will bolster the regional economy through new funding in federal and industry-sponsored research.”  

“This facility, and the scientists and engineers that it will host, will permit IHMC to be one of the few research institutions able to work effectively at all levels from a single molecule of interest to a whole human, and even teams of humans and machines.” Ford said. 

Ford said a unique aspect of IHMC, which will be substantially advanced by the new complex, is the ability to integrate researchers who specialize in healthspan, performance, and resilience with computational scientists, artificial intelligence researchers, and roboticists. 

“Innovation is place-based,” he said. “This exciting new research complex in the heart of historic downtown Pensacola will enable continuous interactions and frequent collisions of people and ideas across many academic disciplines. IHMC is fundamentally a habitat for innovation.” 

It also is a strong symbol of IHMC’s commitment to investing in Pensacola itself. IHMC was among the pioneers of seeing the potential of downtown, locating its headquarters in the city after outgrowing its space from its beginnings on campus at the University of West Florida.  

Delarian Wiggins, Pensacola City Council president, said it is encouraging to see IHMC’s continued dedication to and investment in the City. He also noted the Institute’s commitment to community outreach through Evening Lectures, Science Saturdays and more demonstrates its commitment to making Pensacola the best place it can be. 

“As a City leader, it’s exciting to know that IHMC’s success has sustained employment of over 100 individuals from across the world, certainly contributing to our economy but, more so, adding to the cultural diversity and international understanding within our community,” Wiggins said. “Your institution’s focus on promoting a great environment where our citizens can ‘live, work, and play’ is a fundamental cornerstone of any successful community.” 

The project should be completed in early 2024.   

IHMC is a not-for-profit research institute of the Florida University System where researchers pioneer science and technology aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. IHMC researchers and staff collaborate extensively with the government, industry, and academia to help develop breakthrough science and technology. IHMC research partners have included: DARPA, the National Science Foundation, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Institutes of Health, IBM, Microsoft, Honda, Boeing, Lockheed, and many others.