Since ambiguity is inevitable, letÕs make lemonade
¥Assigning a name to an accessible entity inside the entity itself makes the name ÔpermanentÕ and global in scope. Example: named graphs. For XHTML this could be done by a property in the header. It is under the control of the owner of the resource.
¥Assigning a name by using a URI to access the thing being ÔchristenedÕ is under the control of the remote user of the URI, and the name assignment can be local in scope. (Note, this is consistent with the idea that URIs have global scope as accessing names.)
¥But the key point is that we need some actual mechanism for assigning referents to names, even for objects on the Web. Right now we donÕt have any, because access isnÕt the same thing as reference.