2024 AFRL HMT Workshop Agenda

26 MAR

Day 1 Purpose: Grounding and group SA building

0830 – 0900 Arrival and coffee
0900 – 0915 Welcome/Workshop Objectives (Lyons)
0915 – 0930 Welcome IHMC/Logistics (Johnson)
0930 – 1000 Introductions Around the room
1000 – 1045 HMT Grounding brief (Johnson)
1045 – 1100 Break
1100 – 1115 Position Brief 1 (Chris Palmer)
1115 – 1130 Position Brief 2 (Jamie Lukos)
1130 – 1200 Discussion
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1330 NASA HMT Lessons Learned (Alonso Vera)
1330 – 1345 Position Brief 3 (Amar Marathe)
1345 – 1400 Position Brief 4 (Regina Shia)
1400 – 1415 Discussion
1415 – 1430 Break
1430 – 1600 Generative session – what are some good and bad examples of HMT?
1600 – 1630 Wrap up Day 1/plant seeds for Day 2 (Lyons/Johnson)

27 MAR

Day 2 Purpose: Understanding our constraints

0830 – 0900 Arrival & Coffee
0900 – 0930 Shield AI HMT Lessons Learned – Rothwell – Distro-D
0930 – 1045 Generative Session – what are the barriers to implementing HMT?
1045 – 1100 Break
1100 – 1115 Position Brief 5 (Bryant Wysocki)
1115 – 1130 Position Brief 6 (Steve “Cap” Rogers)
1130 – 1200 DARPA/Microsoft HMT Lessons Learned – Chung
1200 – 1245 Lunch
1245 – 1430 IHMC Tours (Group Picture)
1430 – 1500 Nissan AV HMT Lessons Learned – Sierhuis
1500 – 1615 Generative Session – What are the fundamental capabilities (not technologies) that the consumer needs?
1615 – 1630 Day 2 Wrap Up/Seed for Day 3
1700 No Host social

28 MAR

Day 3 Purpose: Paving the way for the future

0830 – 0900 Arrival/Coffee
0900 – 0930 Raytheon C2 HMT Lessons Learned – Atighetchi – Distro-D
0930 – 1000 HMT Research Needs (Lyons)
1000 – 1045 Generative Session – Research Needs for HMT (discuss each bullet)
1045 – 1115 Break (side-bar discussions around boards)
1115 – 1200 Generative Session – Research Needs for HMT part 2 (organize bullets)
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1345 Generative Session – who is working on which research area?
1345 – 1445 Generative Session – areas for collaboration
1445 – 1530 Closing thoughts